The chinook dog is a native American sledding breed. This site provides information chinook puppies and chinook dogs
Chinook Education Center
Chinook History| Arthur Walden Era| Perry Greene Era| Chinook Bibliography
Chinook Standard| Chinooks-An Experience
Puppies| Chinook Stud Dogs
Visit the sponsor, Hurricane Chinooks

The revised TOTAL CHINOOK program will be launched on October 1, 2006! The 1997 draft is up at the above link. This will be a great way to recognize the varied skills of your Chinook and support the online open Chinook Health Database at the same time!


Thank you very much for your interest in the Chinook dog. I hope you will enjoy your time here as you learn about the Chinook, its history and hopes for the future.

NAVIGATION: You can navigate through the Chinook Education Center by reading this page and clicking on the links that interest you, or you can click on the links in the Directory at the top of the page or the Directory at the bottom of this page.

Please contact me, Joyce Maley, if you have questions about the Chinook dog or if you have a suggestion on how I can make this site more useful to Chinook owners, breeders, exhibitors and future family members.

Chinook Information

In 1991 the Chinook Owners Association (COA), the National Breed Club for the Chinook, formed an association with the United Kennel Club, Inc. (U.K.C.). At that time the official registry was transferred from the COA to the U.K.C. Within a few years the Chinook became a regularly seen breed at U.K.C. shows.

Chinook Standard

The Official U.K.C. Breed Standard for the Chinook was revised in 1996 and carries a 1997 copyright from the U.K.C. The COA, the U.K.C. National Breed Club for the Chinook, developed this standard. Six COA members worked on the Standard Revision Committee. Four of the Committee members actively mushed their dogs or worked their Chinooks in other pulling activities; two participated in the U.K.C. sanctioned Chinook Cross program; one participated in advanced study in canine genetics, structure and movement; and five were active in conformation showing. In addition, all Committee members were Chinook or Chinook Cross breeders. All members had studied Chinook history and several had done in-depth research.

The U.K.C. provided a Standards Technical Writer to put the revised standard into appropriate conformation ring terminology. Several other COA members participated by participating in the final development meeting.

While developing the standard, the committee used historical documentation, period photos and their personal knowledge to attempt to develop a standard that would allow breeders to replicate the historical Chinook as it had appeared during the three periods of its early history. Historical documentation played a significant role since the Chinook is a breed that is trying to replicate its past, while maintaining health and workability with the aid of canine genetics and kenesiology.

Upon completion, the entire COA Standard Revision Committee met a consensus-we all agreed we could accept and support this product as the standard for the Chinook. The standard was then forwarded to the COA Board for presentation to the COA Membership. In the 1996 COA voting process, the membership accepted the revised standard.

The Chinook standard is a living, growing document based on Chinook history from 1917 to approximately 1981. Although no changes are expected, if new discoveries of historically significant documents from the Arthur Walden, Julia Lombard and Perry Greene eras are found, this standard could be changed to more closely fit the historical Chinook.

Chinook Bibliography

To assist with people doing further research, I've developed a bibliography that contains many books that relate to Chinooks. It contains books written by Arthur Walden, books referring to Chinook and the Walden's Dogs, and other literature referring to dogs, sledding and Antarctic exploration.

Chinook History

To draw together some of documentation that is available, a short history of the Chinook will give you some insight to the Chinook's past.

In addition, there are pictures from both the Arthur Walden era and the Perry Greene era.

Chinooks-An Experience

One of the most often asked questions is, "What is a Chinook." This article shows how the Chinook is much more than a physical description.

How to Select a Chinook Puppy

For those considering getting a puppy, this page will prove to be an invaluable resource. It will give you insight to the questions you should be considering as you look for your new family member.

I am proud to say that there are currently about 450 Chinooks.

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  • Contact Info

    If you are interested in finding out more information about Chinooks, you can contact Joyce Maley of Hurricane Chinooks by e-mail at

    Thanks for your interest in Chinooks. Please take some time and visit the Hurricane Chinooks Home Page.

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    This page is designed and maintained by
    Joyce Maley
    Questions and comments can be e-mailed to
    Copyright Joyce Maley, 1999 - 2002

    Chinook Education Center Contents
    Chinook History| Arthur Walden Era| Perry Greene Era| Chinook Bibliography
    Chinook Standard| Chinooks-An Experience
    How to Select a Chinook Puppy| Chinook Stud Dogs
    Visit the sponsor, Hurricane Chinooks

    Last updated: December 23, 2001